Seared Bluefin Tuna Ceviche

Seared Bluefin Tuna Ceviche

This simple seared Bluefin Tuna ceviche recipe from Del Giorno’s Chef, Kris Bunder, is a delicious twist on the popular South American dish. You’ll be amazed by how these minimal ingredients complement the fresh and flavoursome Dinko Southern Bluefin Tuna. Quick, healthy and delicious!

Serves: 4 PRINT THIS



  • 200g fresh Dinko Southern Bluefin Tuna
  • 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. kecap manis (sweet soy sauce)


  • 1 white peach or nectarine, thinly sliced
  • 1 shallot, thinly sliced
  • 1 fresh red chilli, thinly sliced with seeds removed
  • ¼ cup coriander leaves
  • ¼ cup micro watercress
  • Juice from 2 limes
  • Juice from 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt flakes
  • Fresh black pepper


1 Mix soy sauce and kecap manis in a bowl, then leave to one side.

2 Cut Dinko Southern Bluefin Tuna into 2cm squares.

3 Heat oil in a frying pan, add tuna and cook quickly on all sides.

4 Once all sides of tuna are seared, add soy sauce mix. Remove from heat and place marinated tuna on a plate, cover with cling film and place in the fridge.

5 Wash watercress and coriander, pat dry with a paper towel and roughly cut.

6 Arrange on a plate and top with shallot and chilli pieces, then tuna.

7 Mix the lemon and lime juice together and pour over the tuna.

8 Drizzle olive oil over the entire dish and season with sea salt and fresh black pepper.


Bluefin Tuna Steak

Our technique of super freezing the tuna steak within hours of harvest means you can get the highest quality Bluefin Tuna steaks all year round.

Bluefin Tuna Portions

Our Southern Bluefin Tuna portions are frozen as fresh, sustainably farmed and bursting with flavour. Serve it in a poke bowl or make a sushi roll; however you eat it, you’ll love the moreish taste!


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